"I will, at least, double my sales."
"100% to radio...and it works."
Training a Rookie?

Jerrell Shepherd

Owner - KWIX (AM) & KRES FM in Moberly, MO
Proclaimed "The Most Successful Small Market Radio Stations in America" by NAB in 1966

"The Concept* was presented to us by Norton Warner late in 1969 to use on a trial basis. After reaching $325,000 in 1967 we leveled out for the next couple of years at about $400,000. For the first time we found we had the power to oversell a client. The information, techniques and tools in The Concept took us off the plateau and enabled us to move on up to $500,000, then to $1,000,000 and then to $1,500.000." 
Photo by Steve Mays
*The Concept consists of 33 video programs from 24 to 50 minutes in length. The Concept is excellent in-house sales training for newly-hired sales reps. The new Warner Concept System, with short 3 to 12 minute videos, is designed to educate the client AND train sales reps.

David Shepherd 
Owner of the Shepherd Group in the late 1990s

"I became owner of four Shepherd markets in the late 90s. The Moberly stations, an AM and two FM stations were grossing around 1.5 million. Today, we are grossing 2.6 million a year in Moberly, a community of 12,000. We have used the new Warner Concept System in all our markets. Norton and I both believed in the power of radio advertising. What we have now is just a different way to deliver our belief. "

Author's Note: David suggested in the late '90s that we make shorter videos designed to educate the client.
Each time the sales rep plays the WCS videos the sales rep learns the material.

Michael Edwards
GM, the Shepherd Group. Four stations in Lebanon and Waynesville, Missouri

"I became General Manager of four Shepherd stations, 2 AMs and 2 FMs in Lebanon/Waynesville in 1993. These four stations were grossing a combined total of $120,000 a year. It took two years to increase the gross of these four stations to 1.2 million. Today, these same four stations are grossing three million a year. We could not have accomplished this growth without the new Warner Concept System."

Author's Note: Mike Edwards has every newly-hired sales rep take the first week to view every video in The Concept. These videos provide the background for the shorter videos in the new Warner Concept System. The Concept videos are supplied to WCS Members at no extra charge.
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